Sur demande

Digital support for wheeze detection in young children

Haut-parleurs: Prof. J. Grigg, Prof. W. van Aalderen, Dr. med. S. Dramburg

September 5th, 2021

17:00 - 18:00



A wheeze is a lower respiratory tract symptom caused by the patient’s airway narrowing. It is a whistling sound from the chest which is mainly heard on breathing out. Wheezing is highly prevalent in young children, with approximately one-third of the children having at least one wheezing episode by age nine.1 A wheeze is also the most common symptom associated with asthma in children under five. Identifying a wheeze, however, can be a challenge. This symposium will focus on digital support in this challenge.

Learning Objectives Guidance on wheeze detection in young children Exploring the limitations of therapeutic trials on preschool wheeze First outcomes of a pilot study on the usage of a digital wheeze detector at home

  1. Inoue Y, Shimojo N. Epidemiology of virus-induced wheezing/asthma in children. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2013;4:391.
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